jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Omelette with mushrooms

Omelette with mushrooms/Truita amb bolets/Tortilla con setas


LEVEL: easy


• 4 eggs
• salt
• some mushrooms
• extra-virgin olive oil


1 First, break the eggs in the dish, pour salt and beat the eggs.

2 Cut the mushrooms, fry them and mix them with the eggs.

3 Put the olive oil in the frying pan, preheat the extra-virgin olive oil and them cook the omelette with mushrooms.

4 Turn the omelette with mushrooms 2 or 3 times.

5 When the omelette with mushrooms is finished put the omelette with mushrooms in the dish.

6 It is ready to eat it.

Names: Minerva Martínez and Eva Marceló
Class: 3r ESO B