Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsThe movie is the continuation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
The objective is to find all the Horcruxes to defeat Lord Voldemort with the possesions they left Albus Dumbledore: a snitch,the Deluminator,a book short stories written in runes and the sworf of Godric Gryffindor,to help them to find all the Horcruxes.
It begins when Harry is an adult, the magical protection that he had lost.
Everybody, Hermione, Ron, Bill ... will find Harry at home to protect it with others and go to the “madriguera” where they celebrate a wedding.
At the wedding they receive an attack and everything gets complicated.
Begin to find the Horcruxes and are many times with a very strange symbol.
Non stop fight against evil people to get the Horcruxes.
They discover what the strange symbol means through a legend.
The symbol was that of the Deathly Hallows which represents the Elder Wand (the most powerful in the world), the Resurrection Stone (a stone that could revive the dead) and the Invisibility Cloak.
Harry learns that he himself is a Horcrux, so he must die to defeat Voldemort.
Harry meekly surrenders himself to Voldemort and so he becomes the victim of the killing curse. But he doesn't die, but wakes up in a “limbo”(strange world) where the spirit of Dumbledore explains that the Horcrux inside him has been destroyed.
Harry becomes the master of the Elder Wand, returns to the real world and gets to destroy Voldemort.